Twisted, Torn And Moist
Ever wanted to get to know your favourite bands? The aim of my podcast is to interview as many bands as I can in an informal way so that you get to know them as people rather than just an album cover.
My interviews are totally unscripted, unedited and we talk about whatever the band wants allowing their fans to get to know them on a more personal level.
I'll be hosting a series of quizzes in order to find the cleverest band.
Twisted, Torn And Moist
Down 'N' Out
I had the pleasure chatting to one of the most promising young bands on the scene at the minute, Down 'N' Out.
We chatted about barriers faced by new bands coming into the music scene and how YOU can support them and make their journey a nice one.
Other musicians have pulled together to offer them advice and help where they can and that's really refreshing to hear.
Please go and check this band out and if you can help them out then I know they'd really appreciate it!
P.S It's worth listening just for their sheep impression!!
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Proud patron of Ian's Chain charity, lets help save lives together!