Twisted, Torn And Moist
Ever wanted to get to know your favourite bands? The aim of my podcast is to interview as many bands as I can in an informal way so that you get to know them as people rather than just an album cover.
My interviews are totally unscripted, unedited and we talk about whatever the band wants allowing their fans to get to know them on a more personal level.
I'll be hosting a series of quizzes in order to find the cleverest band.
Twisted, Torn And Moist
Dead Mans Whiskey
Dead Man's Whiskey, this band were arguably one of THE CLEVEREST bands that I've ever had the pleasure of interviewing on my podcast.
It's always an honour to catch up with them and they are definitely a band that are on to BIG things, they have a wonderful fan base and its hardly any surprise because the way they engage and look after them is second to none.
Nico is one of the only singers I know that can reduce the audience to tears in record time and then gets them rocking out straight after, incredible.
Make sure you support his podcast The Tiny Bookcase, I promise you it is very addictive!!
Proudly sponsored by STMS.Studio for all your merch and printing needs
Proud patron of Ian's Chain charity, lets help save lives together!