Twisted, Torn And Moist
Ever wanted to get to know your favourite bands? The aim of my podcast is to interview as many bands as I can in an informal way so that you get to know them as people rather than just an album cover.
My interviews are totally unscripted, unedited and we talk about whatever the band wants allowing their fans to get to know them on a more personal level.
I'll be hosting a series of quizzes in order to find the cleverest band.
Twisted, Torn And Moist
McHale's Permanent Brew
I caught up with these guys at Breaking Bands Festival and despite me thinking they were named after somebody named Michaela who likes permanent brew they soon put me right, they gave me their CD and it was then the penny dropped that they weren't named after Michaela after all!
They are currently storming the UK Blues scene and when I caught up with them earlier in the year they said they hadn't got many gigs planned, I'm so glad that this has since changed and their name is appearing all over festivals and venues around the country!
If you haven't already then please check them out and if you are looking for a hard working band with a fantastic sense of humour then these are the guys for you!
Proudly sponsored by STMS.Studio for all your merch and printing needs
Proud patron of Ian's Chain charity, lets help save lives together!